Thursday, February 27, 2014

Today's Reward

And as the day drew to a close,
the heavens serenaded me with the song of a light breeze,
and rewarded me for today's events with a beautiful horizon.
Today I was talking to a friend. She said, "I think yesterday I finished all my ice cream! Now I won't have anything to reward myself with today when I'm done with my homework!"

A reward system set for yourself is an intriguing idea to me- I never thought of a system in which I would challenge myself to accomplish short goals and reward myself for doing it! I've always thought of it in the long term: Do well in school and you will be rewarded in the future; not do well today and you will receive a treat tonight! When such short term goals are accomplished,  however, you will produce the best results for your long term goal.  I like that. :)

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