Thursday, February 27, 2014

Today's Reward

And as the day drew to a close,
the heavens serenaded me with the song of a light breeze,
and rewarded me for today's events with a beautiful horizon.
Today I was talking to a friend. She said, "I think yesterday I finished all my ice cream! Now I won't have anything to reward myself with today when I'm done with my homework!"

A reward system set for yourself is an intriguing idea to me- I never thought of a system in which I would challenge myself to accomplish short goals and reward myself for doing it! I've always thought of it in the long term: Do well in school and you will be rewarded in the future; not do well today and you will receive a treat tonight! When such short term goals are accomplished,  however, you will produce the best results for your long term goal.  I like that. :)

Sign of Spring

Feel love begin like the young buds of Spring.

A little Light

One of Many but just as Special

She lamented her place in the world,
how tiny and insignificant she was-
Imagine the woe!
But he told her to straighten up,
that even though we were insignificant,
that did not make us any less special.

It's like a halo

Beautiful, isn't it? It's a shot I took in Victoria, Canada on the day of their Ceremony of the Flags. The clouds arranged around the Canadian flag looks like a halo!


We can't fly like the birds can,
or flow across Earth like the oceans can,
but it's pictures like these when,
just for a moment,
we feel a little more open and free.

Take Flight

The flying seagulls are meant to offer a slight uplifting feeling-to help you imagine as if you are flying. I believe it gives a very hopeful but satisfying experience. I think the music chosen for these images are very Hayao Miyazaki-esque! And if we're talking about flying seagulls and Miyazaki then I immediately think of his Kiki's Delivery Service or Ponyo~ ☺

Look Up

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

We're not perfect

"I envy you,"  she whispered painfully, "you're perfect".
"Look at me closer," the flower said, "just like everyone else, I, too, have flaws.
What you judge me by is the beauty you see in me,
and that is the same scale by which you should judge yourself"

A little rain won't hurt me

The rain thundered down,
 its unmerciful waters pelting the surface of the Earth relentlessly.
In the aftermath of this tempest, we struggled to recover,
some of us never did.
But not this flower, a little rain won't hurt her,
For rain must fall,
and it could cause us great damage,
but in its passing, we will be stronger than before.

There will still be times when it will happen.

There will be times when the rain gets in your way,
but beyond the window pane still lies the promise of life.
Keep hope to yourself  and know that the rain is only temporary.

Burst and Bloom

She held a sort of special radiance,
like she glittered with stars,
and infected the people around her with happiness.
Flowers seemed to grow and follow her path,
the sun seemed to always be shining in her wake.
She never stayed in one place very long,
but the burst of happiness that bloomed in her presence brought an unforgettable happiness,
and lingered in the peoples lives thereafter.

Reach up, toward the Sun



Leaves race across branches in an tiny battle for more land,
the green sprouts bring light and joy into our days,
they reflect energy, and youth, and hope.
Life is once again breathed into our system.
These are the first signs of Spring.

Make it 100%

...but it's still there.

Set the world on Fire

The Earth rained when she cried,
glowed in her happiness,
stormed with her anger.
When she fell in love, the burn in her heart
set the world on Fire.


Break In

He was natural and strong
Unbending to any will
but she rose and fell everyday
and with every movement she broke through different points of him
and pierced through the darkness he had intended to keep solid

It's like a painting

It's like a painting;
the sky is streaked with fire in hues of gold, burning oranges, and rosy pinks.
The shadowy silhouettes that obscure our view has adds its own charm to this piece of art that nature has granted us.

Step up

She couldn't, but she wanted to.
She thought of the attention, the judging eyes.
No, she couldn't.
But the stage was beautiful, the piano was set out for her.
She wanted to show the world what she could do.

Then a voice came from the crowd,
"I want to hear your music"

That line granted her confidence- she could offer her audience what they did not have.
She held power,
She could step up, overcome her nervousness, and perform her best.

I'm here to guide you


A Peter Pan type of night

He stared out the window imploringly,
and thought, "I want Peter Pan to take me away and explore",
then he cried because Peter only came to Wendy's window,
and he was no Wendy.
But then he saw the moon,
whose gentle glow whispered great promises, granted him strength,
and planted in him a trust for the future.
So he took a picture, set it by his bedside,
and that night he dreamed of the day when he could fly away and explore.

Take a step back

"It's just a tree" he said plainly, "there's nothing to see".
"There's much to see!" she protested, "just not to your interest.
"A tree by itself has its own beauty, but I suppose that is harder to recognize.
Then take a step back, and behold the whole picture"
So he stepped back and was overwhelmed by the magnificence in his sight!
For the all trees were grouped together,  and they stood strong and grew quite freely,
without a single care as to the opinion of another.
They were all different, yet they were so close.

Beyond a school pane


One evening in San Francisco

Merry Christmas! :)

One winter day in California

This is winter now

What do you see?

He closed his eyes and stayed silent,
He heard the light wind whisper stories to him
He heard the trees chatter among themselves.

She placed a hand on his shoulder,
"you are gifted with a vision that not everyone is blessed with,
I want you to use it"

So he opened his eyes.